It is often difficult to talk about postpartum depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders that are common during pregnancy and following the birth of a baby. It is not a time that friends and family members would expect to see you sad. They might try to cheer you up and make you feel better. They might admire your baby or comment on how lucky you are to be a parent. It's hard to say what you feel inside when what you are feeling doesn't seem to match your circumstances.
You are not alone. 1 in 7 women suffers from various forms of pregnancy and postpartum related depression, anxiety, trauma, OCD, and other related mood disorders (also known as perinatal mood disorders). With professional support, you can fully recover.
Any of the following could indicate the need for additional help:
- Do you feel sad or depressed?
- Are you irritable or angry with family members or friends?
- Are you struggling to bond with your baby?
- Do you feel anxiety or panic?
- Even when you can sleep, do you find it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep?
- Have you noticed changes in appetite that concern you?
- Have you experienced upsetting or intrusive thoughts?
- Do you feel like you are "out of control" or "going crazy"?
- Do you feel that you never should have become a mother or that your baby is better off without you?
- Are you worried you might hurt your baby or yourself?
These symptoms, as well as many other symptoms, can make you feel like you aren't yourself, or feel like you aren't able to find enjoyment in your relationship with your baby and other family members. Untreated, these symptoms can affect your health and the health and development of your baby. We are here to help and support you through what you are experiencing. In a safe and friendly environment with other women who are experiencing similar symptoms, you can find support. Our team of professionals, trained in proven treatment methods, will help you in your journey toward health, wellness, and joy in your role as a parent.
Contact us today for a free phone consultation or view online and local resources for support.
Our Services
For women who experience the symptoms of any pregnancy or postpartum related mood disorder, our services include: support groups, outpatient counseling, couples counseling, family counseling, and intensive outpatient services. Services are also available for spouses and other family members that are struggling with the adjustments to family life. Additionally, we offer support for women and couples struggling with infertility and pregnancy loss, as well as support for adopted children and families.
Pregnancy Support:
It is not unusual for women to begin experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression during pregnancy. If you are experiencing mood symptoms that make it difficult to function at your best during your pregnancy, you are not alone. Counseling and support during pregnancy can reduce symptoms following the birth of your baby, and will increase the chances of healthy prenatal development for your baby. Contact us for support. We offer support groups for moms and couples, as well as individualized counseling for moms-to-be (and dads).
Postpartum Treatment:
If you or someone you know is experiencing any of the symptoms from the questions above, please contact us. We offer support groups, counseling and intensive outpatient services in a mom and baby friendly environment. All levels of care include options for individual as well as group or couples counseling. Dads and partners also struggle with postpartum adjustments and changes, and services are available for other family members as well.
Infertility Support:
Moods and emotions can also fluctuate with treatments that help women conceive. Additionally, many women struggle through the fluctuation of pregnancy hormones during miscarriages. These hormonal changes can already exacerbate the feelings of loss associated with infertility. We have groups that are specific to the challenges of infertility. Contact us today to find out if you can benefit from our services.
Adoption Support:
Parents struggling through the adoption process can also experience trauma, depression, and anxiety. It is frightening and overwhelming to put the future of your family in the hands of someone else. Loss is common to the adoption process, as is difficulty adjusting, both for the baby/child and parents. If you are struggling, know that you aren't alone. Parental moods and emotional processes can affect critical bonding with adopted children. Additionally, there are differences in bonding for adopted and biological children. If you have questions or need additional support, please contact us today.