Individual Counseling
Reach Counseling is a safe place for individuals to focus on their own mental health needs. Our counselors collaborate with you, the client, to move toward your goals, using proven treatment methods to achieve the best results possible. Contact us today to discuss your symptoms and concerns.
Counseling for Children and Teens
Children and teenagers process their world through experiences and relationships. They don’t often have the words to express their concerns and needs. Our therapists who work with children and teens are trained in a variety of proven interventions, including play therapy, which are specific to the individual needs of each child. Contact us today to learn more.
Women’s Mental Health
We have providers trained in issues specific to women’s mental health, including perinatal mood disorders. This includes treatment of a variety of mental health disorders affecting women (as well as their spouses and children) during pregnancy and after a baby is born. Mental health during this period of time can affect infant development and quality of attachment relationships within the family. If you or someone you know is struggling, contact us for more information on how we can help.
Couples Therapy
Navigating adult relationships is challenging in a world filled with the pressures of family concerns, financial challenges, career pursuits, and the many demands placed on our time. Supportive relationships can act as a buffer to these challenges, but when a relationship is out of balance, the stress of every-day challenges can overwhelm a couple or family. Contact us today to find out how improving your relationship can improve your life.
Family Therapy
Family systems are complex, and when one member of the family struggles with mental health challenges, there can be imbalances in family relationship dynamics which need to be addressed as part of healing. Using treatment methods which engage families in the healing process, mental health and individual relationships within the family will improve. Contact us if you feel your family could benefit from additional support.
​Group Therapy
Group support is a great way to address a variety of mental health and relationship challenges. In groups, individuals experience support through knowing that they are not alone in their struggle. Groups also help to provide education and address symptoms and problems common to group members, and provide a format for participants to move more quickly toward treatment goals. Contact us about the following groups:
Parenting Classes:
If you are the parent of a child dealing with mental or emotional challenges, it is easy to feel alone. Many parents report that they feel like they are doing something wrong. In reality, you are probably raising a child that doesn’t respond well to ordinary parenting strategies. In a safe setting, you can learn skills to deal with oppositional behavior and other challenges and find joy and connection in your relationship with your child.
Perinatal and Postpartum Support:
Are you experiencing depression, anxiety, or other mood challenges related to pregnancy/postpartum? Connecting with others who are experiencing similar challenges can be one of the greatest factors leading to healing of perinatal mood disorders. We offer support groups specific to your needs.